LDAR has become an integral part of the day-to-day plant operations at petroleum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas plants, biodiesel plants, and ethanol facilities. Because of EPA’s enforcement initiatives, attention to fugitive emissions
and maintenance of a fully compliant LDAR program is an operational focus.
Our LDAR team has the regulatory knowledge and technical expertise to help you implement a comprehensive LDAR program that fits your facility goals. Trihydro has provided LDAR compliance support to over 220 facilities, including renewable fuel
plants, refineries, natural gas plants, chemical facilities, and pharmaceutical plants. Trihydro is experienced at preparing auditing plans for “inspector-proof” LDAR programs required under New Source Review (NSR) Consent Decrees
and federal and state regulatory programs. We are well-versed in New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart VV, VVa, GGG, and GGGa requirements, including various Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards (MACT) and National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant (NESHAP) regulations. Trihydro can provide records and database reviews, Method 21 compliance observations, and comparative and shadow monitoring. Third-party LDAR audits and reviews can be scheduled to
meet specific regulatory needs and are tailored to meet facility program goals.
Our LDAR services include:
- Program implementation, tagging, and inventory
- Routine program monitoring and management
- Database management
- Recordkeeping and reporting
- 3rd party LDAR compliance auditing
- Site specific and general LDAR program training
- 3rd party LDAR database quality assurance and quality control support
- LDAR coordinator transition support
As part of our LDAR services, we offer optical gas imaging (OGI). OGI is a rapidly growing method of emission detection for compliance and regulatory enforcement. It provides efficiencies and capabilities not possible with other methods. Unlike
traditional methods (e.g. Method 21), which can make monitoring difficult or unsafe, OGI allows a thermographer to rapidly scan thousands of components in minutes and identify leak sources visually from a safe distance.
Our OGI thermographers provide unmatched reliability, expertise, and process knowledge to help a facility find leaks that might not otherwise be detected. We design OGI surveys to fulfill regulatory drivers, as well as to support company sustainability
if your organization has a voluntary emission reduction program. Our team can help implement and execute voluntary programs from project kickoff to final emission calculations. Leak data analytics compiled from voluntary emission reduction
programs offer value-added insights and long-term cost savings including product purchasing, maintenance shortfalls, and keeping product in the pipes.
We offer the following survey types:
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) Subpart W surveys
- New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) OOOOa, OOOOb, and OOOOc surveys
- BWON no detectable emissions (NDE) equipment surveys
- State regulatory surveys
- Voluntary emissions reduction surveys
- Preemptive facility startup surveys
- Health & safety-based surveys (toxics, H2S & LEL)
- Internal facility or equipment audit surveys
- Facility turnaround startup monitoring
- Custom surveys to meet requirements of Consent Orders or Decrees
- Flare or combustor destruction efficiency monitoring