Roadway design comes in many shapes and sizes, from reconstruction and rehabilitation to new construction. Design components vary depending on the roadway location, function, and level of service. Design elements range from concept study to road
design, and from permitting to public hearings.
Important factors are addressed through design including, roadway geometrics (horizontal and vertical), right-of-way, utilities, drainage, potential environmental impacts and mitigation, pedestrian crossings, multi-use paths, intersections, and
access controls. Roadway design work also incorporates applicable local and Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements and standards associated with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Trihydro has the personnel, resources, qualifications, and experience to assist with roadway and multi-use path needs. Our expertise includes:
- Concept and reconnaissance studies
- Corridor studies
- Roadway design (urban and rural)
- Guardrail design
- Intersection design
- Mill and overlays
- Surfacing rehabilitation
- Right-of-way engineering
- Utility relocations
- Drainage evaluation and design
- Land surveying
- Slope assessment
- Clearances
- Permitting
- Environmental assessments, including Categorical Exclusions
- Public involvement
- Plan and specification preparation
- Construction cost estimating
- Bid package preparation
- Construction management
We understand the concerns and issues related to roadway projects and have a proven record of assisting municipalities as well as county and state transportation departments with roadway planning and improvements.
Trihydro understands the importance of evaluating and establishing existing and proposed rights-of-way, construction easements, and temporary construction permits on roadway projects so construction can be expedited in the most cost-effective manner and with minimal effect to private landowners. We also recognize the need to prioritize and accurately assess roadway and path projects. Understanding existing street studies, utility information, and past improvements is imperative to provide the best recommendations for future and current road and path projects.
To understand existing conditions, our team is experienced in existing roadway facility inspections. Inspections include reviewing existing street conditions and characteristics including surfacing, horizontal and vertical alignments, roadway width, structures, adjacent land use of a roadway segment, segments that may not meet current design standards, traffic study data, and crash history. We then make recommendations considering geometric design, roadway cross-sections, widening and overlay versus reconstruction, land use impacts, right-of-way impacts, environmental concerns, and public involvement.
Trihydro provides cost-effective and efficient engineering services by offering a total engineering and construction management package. Our experienced construction management team assists during construction, resulting in reduced maintenance concerns after project completion. Our field staff have experience with municipal, county, and state construction requirements to verify work is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Our construction management services offer peace of mind by delivering roadway projects built to specifications that protect lifespan, cost, and quality.