Biological surveys help document, model, and map vegetation and wildlife communities, shedding light on complex relationships within an ecosystem. Surveys are also increasingly being used to model and project spatio-temporal changes that are useful
for management and conservation activities. Types of biological surveys that may be required for or beneficial to achieving project goals may include:
- Threatened and endangered (T&E) species surveys
- Wildlife assessment/surveys
- Avian assessment/surveys
- Vegetation assessment/surveys
Biological surveys may be completed on-the-ground or via remote sensing.
Trihydro’s biologists have conducted biological surveys and habitat assessments across the country for a variety of complex projects. We have led field studies for dozens of projects involving small mammal trapping studies (including mark-recapture),
raptor nest inventories, migratory bird point-count surveys and nest surveys, T&E species protocol surveys, acoustic bat surveys, broadcast acoustic surveys, herptile surveys, plant community surveys, and invasive plant assessments. In
addition to field collections, our staff is well versed in analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting complex surveys in the form of reports and summaries.
Our biologists have extensive experience in identifying, characterizing, and mapping habitats for a variety of wildlife including various T&E wildlife species. Trihydro biologists specialize in permitting for activities with potential impacts
on species of concern, and are experienced in Section 7 consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), state wildlife regulations, and conservation programs.
Our interdisciplinary staff of biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists, GIS-analysts, engineers, and geologists combine GIS mapping techniques and aerial data collection, such as unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and manned flights, with extensive knowledge of wildlife habitat utilization to perform accurate and representative habitat evaluations for many species of plants and animals.
Trihydro’s GIS analysts work seamlessly with field biologists to prepare for field data collection and inventories, generating high-quality maps that show distributions of individuals and populations.