News & Resources
Drilling mud degassing thumbnail
New Subpart W Source Type: Drilling Mud Degassing
Since May, drilling mud degassing operators must calculate and report GHG emissions under EPA’s GHGRP Subpart W. Operators can calculate emissions based on three methodologies. Our Delve covers Subpart W updates, what this means for operators, how to calculate emissions, and key deadlines.
Nick Carlson
PolicyChangesCCUS thumbnail
How Recent and Proposed Policy Changes Could Impact CCUS Projects
We discuss potential CCUS funding changes, agency changes that may impact CCUS projects, and potential new legislation for CCUS.
Carly Sowecke, P.G.
5th PFAS and Emerging Contaminants Workshop
Join experts to learn more about the latest developments in PFAS regulations, health effects, assessment, remediation, research, and legal aspects.
ENR 2024 Top Environmental Firms
ENR Names Trihydro a Top 200 Environmental Firm for the 19th Year in a Row
Engineering News-Record (ENR) ranks Trihydro #112 on its Top 200 Environmental Firms list for 2023.
Army PaYS Partnership
Trihydro Announces Partnership with Army PaYS Program to Support Transitioning Soldiers
By partnering with Army PaYS, Trihydro will provide transitioning soldiers with valuable employment opportunities and career development resources, leveraging their skillsets for success in the civilian workforce.


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