The scientific community's understanding of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is constantly evolving as more research is conducted and research-based understandings are increasingly field-tested and applied at scale. The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) has been at the forefront of distilling new PFAS understandings and making the information widely available. Since 2017, the ITRC PFAS Team has collaborated to produce a 400+ page PFAS technical guidance document, numerous fact sheets, and a series of short instructional videos that help contextualize the "PFAS problem" and shed light on various remediation pathways. Due to the popularity of resources published to-date and the amount of new information to share, ITRC has recently released 11 new PFAS fact sheets as well as a Risk Communication toolkit covering key aspects of the risk communication planning process and ongoing stakeholder engagement.
What do the new PFAS fact sheets cover?
The 11 new PFAS fact sheets are a combination of updates to older, longer fact sheets as well as brand new fact sheets. The updated fact sheets complement the PFAS Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document, which has also been recently updated. The list of current ITRC PFAS fact sheets along with a brief overview of each fact sheet's contents can be found on ITRC's webpage.
Another key resource provided by ITRC’s PFAS Team is a set of tables, updated on a monthly basis, with state-specific standard and guidance values for PFAS compounds in soil and groundwater. The updated tables are available via the PFAS Water and Soil Values Table Excel link on the Fact Sheet download page.

In addition to the updated PFAS fact sheet list, ITRC recently introduced a Risk Communication toolkit. The toolkit is intended to assist stakeholders in developing an effective risk communication plan in the face of rapidly evolving scientific understanding and conflicting interpretations of research related to contaminants of concern, like PFAS.
Who is on the ITRC PFAS Team?
The ITRC PFAS Team is comprised of over 500 professionals from federal, state, and local government, public and tribal stakeholder groups, private industry, and academia. ITRC Teams develop guidance documents and training resources to provide regulatory agencies and others with access to digestible technical knowledge that can help inform regulatory approaches (such as guidance for Lifetime Health Advisories for PFAS in drinking water). The ITRC PFAS Team's work continues to expand and anyone interested in the subject matter can join the team. Trihydro's PFAS subject matter experts participate in the ITRC PFAS Team, bringing the latest insights to Trihydro’s project work and partnerships.