Trihydro has extensive experience in solid waste facility siting, design and development, permitting, construction administration, closure/post-closure, monitoring, and remediation. We are a fully integrated firm with a diverse staff of landfill experts
including project managers, engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, chemists, data validators, statisticians, risk assessors, and remediation specialists. Our solid waste and remediation professionals have planned, designed, permitted, constructed,
and monitored solid waste projects ranging from new composite-lined disposal cells and evapotranspiration final cover systems, to transfer stations, compost facilities, and recycling centers.
Our current clients include the largest hazardous waste landfill operators, as well as two of the largest solid-waste collection, transfer, and recycling companies in the United States. We can undertake large projects and deliver sound and creative
project solutions backed by proven results. Trihydro has experience with Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), Subtitle D (Class I through V) municipal and industrial nonhazardous solid waste landfills, and Subtitle C (hazardous solid waste
management unit) facilities. We also have valuable experience working with numerous states and federal regulatory agencies. Our working relationships with government entities strengthen our ability to efficiently assist clients and effectively
negotiate regulatory requirements.