When Basin Electric Power Cooperative needed to increase water supply for the Laramie River Station, Trihydro designed, permitted, and oversaw construction of a new production well.

Trihydro contracted with Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) to design, permit, and oversee construction of a well to increase Basin Electric’s water supply for the Laramie River Station (LRS) near Wheatland, Wyoming. Basin Electric requested the well be located on the LRS property near the raw water storage pond, if possible, to simplify transport of the produced water from the well to the pond.

Trihydro conducted a hydrogeological investigation of the area to confirm the feasibility of a site near the raw water pond, then acquired permits from the State Engineer’s Office (SEO) and prepared contract documents for drilling at the selected location. The SEO permit stipulated the well would be completed in the White River Formation at approximately 1200 feet below grade; however, after drilling and logging the test boring, Trihydro concluded that the water-bearing capacity of the White River was marginal for meeting the project goals. Based on evaluation of geophysical data, it was determined that the Arikaree Formation would better achieve Basin Electric’s water supply objective. Upon approval from Basin Electric, Trihydro filed a new well permit application and received approval from the SEO to complete the well in the Arikaree Formation at 560 feet below grade, less than half the originally planned depth.   

Trihydro supervised drilling, construction, well development, pump testing, and water quality sampling of the production well at the site of the test boring. Based on the results of a constant rate pumping test, Trihydro recommended that a pump capable of producing 800 gallons per minute be installed in the well. The pump was installed and Basin Electric has used the well to successfully augment the LRS water supply during periods of high demand. Trihydro’s knowledge of the local geology and expertise in hydrogeology and geophysics turned what might have been a costly, unproductive test well into a successful water supply project.
The well was completed to a total depth of 560 feet below ground surface with 260 feet of stainless-steel well screen and filter pack.

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