Trihydro provided lead dust and debris abatement services in three former indoor firing ranges (IFRs) located on the third floors of three buildings at the Vancouver Barracks in Vancouver, Washington. The IFRs were historically used by army personnel for weapons training and qualifications. The Barracks have since become the property of the National Park Service (NPS) and are now included in the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (NHS).
The scope of work included construction inspection, quality assurance services, and oversight of the abatement contractor to ensure performance compliance with Army, federal, and state regulations for the abatement of lead dust and debris. The project included monitoring ambient air with respect to lead on the exterior of each containment area during daily work shifts. The monitoring helped prevent a loss of lead from each containment area. At no time was elevated lead indicated in laboratory air sample results.
Trihydro paid special attention to potentially historic artifacts (PHAs) and graffiti observed on surfaces within each of the IFRs. Items of potentially historic significance as defined by the NPS were accounted for by cataloging each discovered article and photographing them in place. The artifacts were then cleaned in accordance with the planning documents and presented to the NPS for curation.
As a result, Trihydro successfully preserved historical graffiti, while identifying, decontaminating, and cataloguing over 100 significant PHAs. Trihydro effectively managed and cooperated with multiple teaming partners, subcontractors, stakeholders, and government agencies. Visual inspections were completed and containment clearance was completed on the first attempt with four tons of lead dust/debris removed and disposed of. There was no loss of regulated air to ambient areas and the buildings remained occupied by base personnel during abatement. The project was completed on schedule and under the Unites State Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) amended/approved budget with final clearance objectives met in all three buildings.