Laboratory and field analytical data for a site being managed under the Montana State Superfund program were originally maintained in two separate databases by two separate parties. Data contained within the two databases were similar but not entirely identical. Inconsistencies discovered between the two data sets began to adversely affect cleanup progress at the Superfund site due to eroded confidence by both parties in the completeness and accuracy of each database. Compounding the problem was the issue that information within each party’s database was not easily accessible by the other party to identify and resolve differences. The client decided to consolidate the data in a centrally located data management and document sharing system accessible by both parties.
The client selected Trihydro to consolidate and host the project site data, including project documents it its propriety data management system. The client and other party decided that Trihydro’s data management system would provide transparency in data management with its standardized laboratory analytical data loading tools and collaborative data validation, query, and spatial analysis tools.
Trihydro evaluated the two data sets and developed a migration plan, agreed upon by both parties, to address the most challenging aspect of the merge—assuring accurate data consolidation without losing data or loading duplicate information. Trihydro paid particular attention to keeping communication channels open between the two parties to resolve these issues. Scripted data migration methodologies were used to load the final vetted dataset into the SQL Server-based structure, document migration decisions, and allow stages of the migration to be rolled back to a previous state in the event discrepancies were to be discovered. The two parties used Trihydro's data query tools to review and approve the accuracy of the merged data set.
As part of the original project, Trihydro conducted classroom-style training on the use of its data management system to the client and other stakeholders, and Trihydro's support team continues to provide product technical support for the two parties.
The merger of the two databases with input and guidance from the two parties allowed both parties to feel assured in the accuracy of important project data. Enhanced confidence by the two parties in the new and merged data, along with implementation of a collaborative data management and document hosting solution, has allowed project stakeholders to easily access, analyze, and report on project data in support of project decisions.