Tuesday, August 13, 2024
1:00-2:00 pm MST
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates that facilities storing more than 1,320 gallons of oil must develop, maintain, and implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan. This plan is designed to prevent oil discharges
into navigable waters or adjacent shorelines.
Due to the danger oil spills pose to public health and the environment, every effort must be made to prevent them and clean them up promptly once they occur. While the EPA does not formally approve SPCC plans, their adequacy is assessed through on-site
inspections or in response to spill events. This webinar will provide insights from an EPA inspector on the evaluation of SPCC plans.
What We Will Cover:
- Key elements of SPCC plans that EPA inspectors prioritize during on-site visits.
- Common oversights in SPCC plan development that can lead to compliance issues.
- Clarification of ambiguous SPCC regulations, such as the definitions of "impervious" and "sufficient freeboard."
- The role of SPCC plans in effective oil spill response and preparedness.