Trihydro's Leaktracker Pro Software Receives Two Technology Awards

Trihydro is pleased to announce that it was chosen to receive two awards for the development and deployment of its LeakTracker Pro software solution: the 2019 Climate Change Business Journal (CCBJ) Business Achievement Award for Information Technology (IT) and the 2019 Environmental Business Journal (EBJ) IT Award. The award recognitions were announced on January 23, 2020.

Trihydro developed LeakTracker Pro to help industrial and petrochemical organizations manage the overlapping compliance and reporting requirements often associated with leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs. The web-based software platform features field data collection, workflow automation, notifications and alerts, and customizable recordkeeping and reporting. Developed in 2017, LeakTracker Pro is currently being used at 4,630 sites across the United States.

About the CCBJ Business Achievement IT Award

Each year, the CCBJ recognizes outstanding business performance in the climate change industry with their CCBJ Business Achievement Awards. CCBJ’s Business Achievement IT Award distinguishes companies who use information technology to support revenue growth, project efficiency, demonstration or visualization of data or software, or to manage information. Final awards were determined by a committee of CCBJ staff and CCBJ editorial advisory board members. The 2019 CCBJ awards will be presented on March 19, 2020 at a special ceremony during the 18th Annual Environmental Industry Summit, an annual executive retreat hosted by EBI Inc.

About the EBJ IT Award

EBJ’s IT Award distinguishes companies who use information technology to support revenue growth, project efficiency, demonstration or visualization of data or software, or to manage information. Trihydro received the IT Award for the development and deployment of the LeakTracker Pro software application. The 2019 EBJ awards will also be presented at the Environmental Industry Summit in San Diego, California on March 19, 2020.

To learn more about LeakTracker Pro, click here >>

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