Following unanimous consent in the Senate and a House majority vote of 99-1, President Donald Trump signed America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) into law on October 23, 2018, approving billions in federal funding for waterways, dams, and flood protection projects. The AWIA serves as a stepping stone to expand water storage capabilities and upgrade drinking water, wastewater, and irrigations systems throughout the U.S.
2018 AWIA Breakdown
AWIA reauthorizes portions of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, which will allow expedited consideration of water resources infrastructure through 2024. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will construct, expedite, modify or study water resource projects, including providing recommendations to Congress on managing invasive species. Additionally, AWIA includes various provisions to improve drinking water quality, and establishes various grant programs that support water development.
Some of the Highlights
- Provides $6.1 billion for USACE water resource projects related to navigation, flood control, and ecosystem restoration.
- Provides $4.4 billion for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund over the next three years.
- Approves $100 million reauthorization of EPA’s low-cost financing program known as the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program over the next two years.
- Authorizes $8 million for a new EPA Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability grant program over the next two years.
Here’s a section-by-section outline of the 2018 AWIA.
Contact us:
Tammy Reed
Senior Engineer
[email protected]