The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently launched its new Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest System, “
e-Manifest,” a national paperless method for tracking waste shipments. The new system is promoted as providing various benefits, including: cost savings, timely information on shipments, and increased effectiveness of compliance monitoring by regulators. The e-Manifest system became effective in all states on June 30, 2018.
How Does it Affect You?Receivers of hazardous waste (treatment, storage, and disposal facilities) are responsible for submitting manifests to EPA. As of June 30th, those facilities must submit manifests to EPA within 30 days of receipt and pay a user fee for each manifest submission. Generators and transporters of hazardous waste may use the new e-manifest system to transmit waste manifest data electronically. The cost of the manifest submission type (mail, data upload, image file upload) varies, with the
lowest fees associated with fully electronic submissions.
The EPA encourages the hazardous waste industry to adapt to electronic manifesting as soon as possible so members can take maximum advantage of the benefits and cost savings of the new system. However, to aid in the transition to the new electronic system, facilities that receive waste between June 30 and September 1, will be allowed to submit paper manifests to the EPA by September 30, 2018.
To learn more about EPA’s e-Manifest, please visit: answers to FAQs about the new system here: sign up for e-Manifest, please visit:
Questions?Contact us to learn more about the next steps in the transition to the new e-Manifest system.