Cigna Healthy Workforce
Trihydro Recognized with 2023 Cigna Healthy Workforce Designation
Cigna Healthcare has selected Trihydro as a 2023 Gold level Healthy Workforce Designation Recipient.
How EPA's Super Emitter Program Affects Oil & Gas Facilities
With nearly half of methane emissions stemming from a small fraction of sources in the oil & gas industry, we dive into EPA's new Super Emitter Program and how it will impact the industry.
PFAS Method 1633 Sampling Image
PFAS Analytical Method 1633: The Next Generation of PFAS Sampling & Analysis
Learn about the recent advancements in PFAS analytical methods including Method 1633 and other recent methods developed to address PFAS in multiple matrices, such as on plastics and in the air.
EPA RMP Rule Finalized
EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) – Final Rule
The EPA's Risk Management Program (RMP) is now finalized. EPA RMP rule amendments include regulatory requirements and deadlines that facilities using hazardous substances need to be aware of.
Fence along chemical plant
NSPS and NESHAP Proposed Amendments: Navigating the Fenceline Monitoring Requirements
During this webinar, we discussed the proposed amendments to NSPS and NESHAP fenceline monitoring requirements and what you can do to prepare.
Refinery Fence
Fenceline Monitoring Compliance: Overcoming 9 Challenges in Data Collection and Management
As the EPA HON rule deadline for proposed requirements rapidly approaches, let's dive into the challenges that facilities commonly encounter in fenceline monitoring data collection and management.
    • Fenceline Pro Featured
  • Class II Injection Wells: Unlocking the Hidden Value of CO2 in Oil & Gas Production
    Class II Injection Wells: Unlocking the Hidden Value of CO2 in Oil & Gas Production
    Recent advances in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) have dramatically changed the financial impacts for oil and gas upstream and midstream companies that manage produced CO2. While the attention has primarily been on utilizing Class VI wells for claiming the tax credits, an alternative, and possibly more advantageous option for oil and gas companies, are Class II Injection wells.
    • CSS
    • CCUS
  • SDX
    Using Advanced Transportation Technologies to Build a National Digital Infrastructure for Smarter, Safer Travel
    Learn about advanced transportation technologies and how they can help to build a national digital infrastructure for smarter, safer transportation and travel.
    EPA Proposes to List 9 PFAS as Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Constituents
    The US EPA has proposed listing 5 additional PFAS (PFNA, PFHxS, PFDA, PFHxA, PFBA) as Hazardous Constituents under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
    • Midwest Remediation
    • Ohio EC
  • Localizing CCUS Projects
    Localizing Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Projects
    It is anticipated that carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects, particularly at ethanol plants, may become more local in scope. Evaluation of whether to pursue a “local” CCUS project often begins with an evaluation of geology, funding sources, and risks.
    • CSS
  • soil sampling
    EPA Releases New Residential Lead Policy Guidance
    EPA is lowering recommended screening levels and strengthening guidance for investigating and cleaning up lead-contaminated soil in residential areas.
    hand under running water
    EPA Issues Update on PFAS Strategic Roadmap
    The EPA has published the 2023 Annual Progress Report (2023-APR) to provide updates on the progress made in implementing the Roadmap. In this article, we summarize key points from the 2023-APR, including accomplishments and expectations.
    Outside Magaine Best Places to Work
    Trihydro Recognized on Outside Magazine's Best Places to Work List
    Trihydro has been awarded an honorable mention in Outside Magazine’s “Best Places to Work” list.
    Water droplets
    Beyond PFAS: Understanding the Full Spectrum of Emerging Contaminants
    November 2nd - Free webinar discussion on several emerging contaminants, including microplastics, 6PPD-Q, sulfolane, & ethylene oxide.
    Oil and gas storage tanks
    In First Update Since ’87, EPA Proposes New Source Performance Standards for Volatile Organic Liquid
    We review key changes included in EPA's proposed NSPS Subpart Kc.
    Aerial view of a wetland with water and trees
    WOTUS Update: EPA Removes Federal Protections for Many Wetlands
    We discuss the latest WOTUS definition and provide background information on the historical struggle to define WOTUS.
    • Regulatory Compliance
    • CWA
    • Navigable Waters Protection Rule
    • Wetlands
    • Streams
    • EPA
  • A big picture view of Fort Collins with mountains in the background
    Trihydro's Fort Collins Team Outgrows Office Space
    Trihydro has relocated its Fort Collins team to a larger office to accommodate continued growth.
    connected vehicles on roadway
    Trihydro Answers USDOT's Call to Action
    Trihydro has joined USDOT's National Roadway Safety Strategy, reinforcing its commitment to reducing serious injuries and fatalities on our nation's roadways.
    Connected vehicles communicating to one another on a roadway
    Transportation Technology: Navigating Funding Opportunities
    We review four grant funding opportunities that can help fuel transportation technology projects.
    University of Wyoming "Trihydro’s dedication to the communities in which they have offices is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship with Trihydro and the opportunity to present students with quality job opportunities from a top notch company."

    Conrad Chavez, Manager, Multicultural Affairs

    When choosing an environmental and engineering partner, you expect proven expertise, consistent quality and a high overall value. Nothing less will do. You can count on these qualities from Trihydro. We welcome you to contact us or visit one of our locations.

    Headquarters 307-745-7474  |  Locations