PolicyChangesCCUS thumbnail
How Recent and Proposed Policy Changes Could Impact CCUS Projects
We discuss potential CCUS funding changes, agency changes that may impact CCUS projects, and potential new legislation for CCUS.
Class VI Permit thumbnail
Minimizing Agency Comments for Class VI Permit Applications
Learn about various strategies and tools to reduce RAIs and streamline the Class VI permit application process.
    • CCUS
  • Water infrastructure graphic
    Texas Eyes Billions for Water Infrastructure
    Texas could see billions in water infrastructure investments after Gov. Greg Abbott declared water security funding an emergency item for lawmakers to consider.
    PFAS in Colorado: Research, Regulations, and Real-World Experiences (Hybrid Event)
    Join experts to learn more about the latest developments in PFAS regulations, health effects, assessment, remediation, research, and legal aspects.
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    HUD Updates Minimum Property Standards for Floodplains to Include 2-Foot Freeboard Requirement
    Under HUD’s updated FFRMS requirements, certain newly constructed homes must now include a 2-foot freeboard for added flood protection. This will impact prospective first-time homebuyers seeking Federal Housing Administration loans and mortgage insurance.
    PFAS in biosolids thumbnail
    EPA’s PFAS in Biosolids Draft Risk Assessment Targets Land Application Hazards
    We explore EPA's draft risk assessment of PFAS in biosolids and its possible regulatory impacts.
    EPA Adds Nine PFAS
    EPA Adds Nine PFAS to 2025 TRI Reporting
    EPA continues to add PFAS to TRI. Find out which new PFAS have been added and what EPA’s reporting requirements will look like in 2025.
    Human Health Criteria for PFAS
    EPA Drafts First-Ever Human Health Water Quality Criteria for PFAS
    On December 19, EPA released draft human health-based water quality criteria for three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): PFOA, PFOS, and PFBS. Once finalized, these criteria will serve as a foundation for states and tribes to develop their own water quality standards.
    Restrictions on TCE, PCE, and CTC
    EPA Finalizes Restrictions on Trichloroethylene (TCE), Perchloroethylene (PCE), and Carbon Tetrachloride (CTC)
    The EPA has announced sweeping restrictions on trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene/tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and carbon tetrachloride (CTC), impacting consumer, commercial, and industrial uses. Effective early 2025, these final rules mark a significant regulatory shift.
    • TSCA
    • TCE
  • CCUS Baseline Monitoring
    Why a Robust Shallow Subsurface Monitoring Program Matters for Carbon Sequestration
    This article explores the importance of a comprehensive shallow subsurface monitoring program in defending against false positives that could potentially shut down a project and lead to considerable financial loss.
    • CCUS
  • Oklahoma-DEQ-Water-Rule-Updates-Thumbnail
    Oklahoma DEQ Proposes Water Rule Updates to Align with New EPA Regulations
    Learn about the Oklahoma DEQ’s proposed updates to their water regulations that more closely align with EPA rules, address public feedback, and support carbon sequestration primacy.
    EPA_Methylene_Chloride_ Ban_thumbnail
    What You Need to Know About the EPA’s Methylene Chloride Ban
    Learn how methylene chloride has been regulated in the past, the implications of the rule, and the steps to stay compliant with the new EPA regulation.
    Traveler Information Messages – Creation, Delivery, and Standards _Web_thumbnail
    Traveler Information Messages – Creation, Delivery, and Standards
    Join us for a webinar exploring the critical role of Traveler Information Messages (TIMs) in enhancing road safety and improving traffic flow.
    • Connected Vehicle
  • State and SEC Environmental Disclosure Regulations Thumbnail
    Navigating New State and SEC Environmental Disclosure Regulations
    New state and SEC environmental disclosure regulations require companies to disclose environmental impacts. This article covers these changes and how businesses can stay compliant.
    • Ohio EC
  • Toxics_Realease_Inventory_PFAS_Reporting_Categories_Thumbnail
    Toxics Release Inventory PFAS Categories Expand Reporting Complexity
    In early October, the EPA proposed a new rule for the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) that could change the way we currently report on PFAS. Currently, TRI requires individual reporting on 196 PFAS, but the new proposal introduces the concept of PFAS categories. We dive into the impact these changes could have on current TRI reporting and compliance if the proposal is approved.
    • Oklahoma Environmental and Engineering Services
  • ENR 2024 Top Environmental Firms
    ENR Names Trihydro a Top 200 Environmental Firm for the 19th Year in a Row
    Engineering News-Record (ENR) ranks Trihydro #112 on its Top 200 Environmental Firms list for 2023.
    Travelor Information Messages (TIMs)
    The Importance of Traveler Information Messages (TIMs)
    In the first of a three-part series on Traveler Information Messages (TIMs), we explore TIMs essential role in enhancing road safety and operational efficiency. In the second, we dive deeper into the in-vehicle delivery of TIMs and their potential to improve driving conditions.
    EPA Releases Final PFAS Limits for Aquatic Life
    On October 7, 2024, EPA released new water quality limits for 10 PFAS to protect aquatic life. States and tribes can use these limits to develop their own standards under the Clean Water Act.
    • Oklahoma Environmental and Engineering Services
  • CCS Injection Well
    Engineering CCUS Injection Wells for Long-Term Performance
    The injection well is a critical component of CCUS projects, bridging the gap between surface operations and subsurface storage. This article provides insights into key design and installation considerations.
    • Oklahoma Environmental and Engineering Services
  • Storage Tank Facility Thumbnail
    California’s SCAQMD 1178 Rule and Effective Data Capture at Storage Tank Facilities
    California’s SCAQMD Rule 1178 was amended to further reduce VOC emissions from storage tanks at petroleum facilities. Explore strategies and key factors to consider when adjusting operations and records management practices to effectively adapt air compliance programs.
    • LeafTracker
  • UW_Institution_Logo
    University of Wyoming "Trihydro’s dedication to the communities in which they have offices is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship with Trihydro and the opportunity to present students with quality job opportunities from a top notch company."

    Conrad Chavez, Manager, Multicultural Affairs

    When choosing an environmental and engineering partner, you expect proven expertise, consistent quality and a high overall value. Nothing less will do. You can count on these qualities from Trihydro. We welcome you to contact us or visit one of our locations.

    Headquarters 307-745-7474  |  Locations